Yes, you can call me Mabz. In fact, I prefer it.
So technically my name is Marie-Andrée Brisson, but that's a mouthful. Mabz is an acronym of my initials + a zed for flair...not that I needed any. 😎
I'm a left-handed modern calligraphy, floral illustration and mural artist based in Ottawa, Canada. I'm also a mom to two growing gremlins, a very amateur backyard stargazer, a good bad dancer (not to be confused with a bad good dancer) and I think I'm like really, really funny.
I looove a generous glass of wine + slice of cheesecake, the colour pink, looking for cool mushrooms in the woods, literally any movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio (*swoon*), when a sticker comes off all nice and clean (*double swoon*), and collecting the 3 of hearts.
Yes, only the 3 of hearts.
Thanks for poppin' by my wee chunk of the web and don't be shy to say hello/inquire about my services/invite me over for wine and cheesecake/introduce me to your cousin Leo, k?

Meatloaf, also known as "Meats", "Meaty", "Meaty Boy", "Loaf", "Loafer" and "Loafy Legs" is THE goodest boy.

They're the best. (Except for when they're the worst.)

And this is from my favourite project. Out of all the paintings, sculptures, photo series and films I made those few years, this one was the best.
We had to create someting that showed the passing of time...I nailed it.
(I love it so much I've been wanting to recreate it again, but more intentionally's on the list. 😆)

(lil p.s. though: the tattoo has other significances, too. I'm not a total weirdo)

See? Funny.

Prince is the SOFTEST, most complaisant dog-like cat you will ever meet. I often compare him to a loving bag of sand. His nicknames include Pricey Poodle, Princey Poo or just Poo. 😆

I drew all of those itty bitty details by hand on my ipad.
I love this design. I love it sooo much.

That's Nick, my boyfriend.
My *Australian* boyfriend (Yes, he has an accent and yes, it is sooo hot.)
Our love story is comparable to a cheesy Hallmark movie and I wouldn't have it any other way.
N + M FOREVER (lol)